Sunday, January 07, 2007

American Battlefield Ghost Hunters Society Home

Welcome to the
American Battlefield Ghost Hunters Society’s website. We are a teaching society composed of experts in ghost hunting and battlefield history.
It is our intention to incorporate the historical aspect of each site we investigate and to honor those who gave their last full measure. In addition, we are striving to establish a standard form of conducting investigations that includes spiritual, physical and scientific elements. In this way, unrelated investigative teams can compare techniques and results to achieve maximum validation. This also allows the best chance for reproducing captured evidence and furthering a scientific approach.
ABGHS welcomes anyone who would like to join the society. We offer classes in ghost hunting from the beginner through advanced levels, and an annual spring teaching conference.
Our aspiration is to prove life after death while helping to preserve historic battlefields, monuments, homes, cemeteries, and momentous locations for future generations. A percentage of proceeds from our events are donated to historic preservation.